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SIRO SIRO-578 Fumiko Amateur AV experience shooting 125 Fumiko 26 years old OL

Movies Online I still will not forget it. The day when it was with this girl was a rare occasion when the metropolitan area was covered with snow. Even if you are hanging around the city looking for a girl who is likely to appear, it's unfortunately a sky. As usual I say to 20 people and about 1 person will listen to the story, but today I will be leaving quickly whether the agencies are concerned. The snow was precipitating with the ship and the night was completely covered with snow. Take out the cell phone and look up the train ... Today might be on foot. I could not catch a taxi even though one of them could not catch it. I started walking into the street with a white stone to my house. Did you walk for about an hour, or will we take a taxi soon? Or, since I walked this much, I saw a fast food shop where I was thinking about walking all the way. If you think carefully, you have not eaten anything from noon. "A strange solilism came out," Are you hungry even if you have a belly peco and even a late night meal? " It seems that a little tension is rising because of tiredness which kept on walking. There was a woman with eyes that I tried to enter the store, a woman looking out at the window window inside the shop. I was concerned about her continuing to look at the snow at a single point and tried calling out loudly. Her name is said to have been snowed on the way back from the company "Fumiko", he was at a loss despite being unable to return. From commonality that you can not return home from each other, pick up the clues of conversation successfully and go outside the store. I let him drink at a pub, and I was able to take that day back to the hotel. I got to the room and pushed her without entering a bath. When I took her off, I spit without thinking of the size of my chest, waisted waist, beauty of that body line. Because it was the first time in a long time, she asked for her in a frenzy, but she asks for it many times, not to be afraid. Erotic souvenir is preeminent. Although I am convinced that the appearance negotiation is definitely going to succeed, I fell asleep as it was without cutting out the essential thing after the culmination. The next day, when I woke up, she did not appear there. There was a deposit in front of the mirror stand when it was discouraged ... Although snow is piled up, today's train seems to be moving somehow, but it seems that we can take a taxi back today.今でも忘れない。この子とであった日は珍しく首都圏が雪に覆われた日だった。出演してくれそうな女の子を探して、街をぶらついていてもあいにくの空模様。いつもなら20人に声かけたら1人ぐらいは話を聞いてくれるのに、今日は通機関が心配なのか、足早に去っていく。雪はしんしんと降り積もり夜には完全に足元が雪で覆われることとなった。携帯を取り出し、電車を調べてみる…今日は徒歩になるかもしれない。1人も釣れなかったのにタクシーなんかは使っていられない。白く染まった街をとぼとぼと家路へと歩き始めた。1時間ほど歩いただろうか、そろそろタクシーに乗ってしまおうかそれとも、これだけ歩いたのだからいっそ歩き切ってしまおうかと思索しているところにファーストフード店が見えた。よく考えれば、昼から何も食べていない。「腹もペコちゃんだし夜食でも食ってひと息つくか」と奇妙な独り言が出た。歩き続けた疲れのせいか少しテンションが上がっているようだ。店に入ろうとした矢先、店内の窓際で外を見つめる女性と目があった。雪を一点に見つめ続ける彼女が気になり、思い切って声をかけてみた。彼女の名は「芙美子」会社帰りに雪に降られてしまい、帰ることができずに途方に暮れていたところだという。互いに家に帰れないという共通点から、うまく会話の糸口を拾い、店外へ。居酒屋で酒を飲ませ、そのままその日はホテルに持ち帰ることができた。部屋につくなり、風呂にも入らずに彼女を押し倒した。彼女を脱がすとその胸の大きさ、くびれたウェスト、そのボディラインの美しさに思わず唾をのんだ。久しぶりの上玉だったので、無我夢中で彼女を求めたが彼女は臆するどころか、何度も求めてくる。エロの素養も抜群だ。これは出演交渉も間違いなくうまくいきそうだと確信するも、絶頂後の肝心なことを切り出さぬままそのまま眠ってしまった。翌日、目が覚めるとそこに彼女の姿はなかった。落胆していると鏡台の前に書置きがあった…雪は積もっているが今日の電車はどうにか動いているようだったが、今日はタクシーで帰れそうだ。 by findporn.tv

Published Time2017-04-15
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